
Why Microfibre?

Cleaning with microfibre is easy, effective, and less toxic.  Microfibre cleaning cloths provide a pure, clean, simple, safe and fast method of cleaning.

Microfibre cloths save money by reducing the need for chemical cleaners.  They reduce exposure to chemicals in the home and reduce pollution from cleaning chemicals.  These durable, reusable cloths are made from synthetic fibres, usually polyester and nylon, and are not treated with chemicals.  The cloths are made up of tiny wedge shaped fibers, up to 100 times finer than human hair.  The tiny fibers grab and hold dirt.  They are long lasting and re-usable.  Microfibre cleaning is better for your health, your environment and your wallet.  You can use microfibre cloths to clean windows, glass, mirrors, kitchens, bathrooms, floors, cars and almost anything you can think of.

In the kitchen: use microfibre for cleaning counters, stovetops, and stainless steel appliances.  The tiny fibres pick up more dirt and food residue than most cloths.

In the bathroom: use microfibre to clean the tub, sink and shower.  Chrome faucets, taps, and shower heads can all be polished with microfibre alone.  Dirt disappears leaving shiny surfaces with little effort.

Windows: can be cleaned with just a microfibre cloth and water.  No dirt, no streaks.

Dusting: Microfibres traps dust so that it stays in one place instead of flying around.  When the job is finished, shake the cloth outside, or rinse in water and hang to dry.